Sunday, January 15, 2006

Yay, graphic violence!

Dear 24,

Welcome back. I don't care that you have completely implausible situations and plotlines. Don't ever change.

Hugs, kisses, and car bombs,

Honestly, I don't smoke, but I could use a cigarette after that. "You like that character? Oops, he's dead now. You like that one, too? Kaboom! Dead! Let's see, it would be tedious for us to kill off a third major character in 10 minutes... does horrible life-threatening injury work for you?" Those magnificent bastards.

And I got a decent amount of knitting done as well. I really enjoy knitting during 24... there's something vaguely hilarious about working on knitting while I'm sitting there cheering for the graphic violence warning. Anyway, in a couple of rows, I'll be starting the armhole decreases for the front half of my sweater. :)

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